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Simplifying Exchange Online management

While Exchange Online serves as the backbone of communication for most organizations that have moved to the cloud, the Microsoft 365 admin center lacks a few essential Exchange Online management options. Most of the routine mailbox administration tasks are either missing or can only be carried out for one mailbox at a time. Filling in the management gaps with PowerShell scripts only makes things more complex, error prone, and time consuming.

M365 Manager Plus is a complete solution for Exchange Online management that allows you to manage user mailboxes, shared mailboxes, public folders, and contacts in bulk with just a few clicks. That’s right! You can configure mailbox permission changes, size restrictions, auto reply configurations, clutter settings, audit settings, and more for multiple mailboxes at the same time, simply by importing CSV files.

Exchange Online user mailbox management

M365 Manager Plus has several features to help you manage user mailboxes in your Exchange Online environment easily.

Enable/disable mailboxes in bulk: Simply import a list of mailboxes from a CSV file or enter mailbox names directly to enable or disable mailboxes.

Modify SMTP addresses: Easily add or modify users' primary SMTP addresses and proxy addresses and ensure they all map to the correct mailboxes.

Set mailbox features: Determine how users access mailboxes by enabling or disabling mailbox features, including IMAP, MAPI, POP, EWS, OWA, and OWA for devices, for a single mailbox or a group of mailboxes.

Restrict mailbox sizes: Control the size of email messages that a user can send and receive.

Convert mailboxes: Convert multiple user mailboxes into shared mailboxes and vice versa.

Configure MailTip: Enable MailTip for users and configure MailtTip messages.

Configure mail forwarding: Forward emails sent to a user’s mailbox to other mailboxes and give users the option to retain a copy.

Configure mailbox auto reply: Enable auto reply for a single mailbox or multiple mailboxes and modify the auto reply message for internal and external recipients.

Enable/disable archive mailboxes: Enable or disable archive mailboxes in bulk.

Enable/disable mailbox clutter: Manage clutter settings for mailboxes in bulk to automatically process email messages, and move low priority messages out of the inbox and into the clutter folder.

Edit address book policies and address lists: Change address policies for multiple mailboxes at once and hide or unhide mailboxes from address lists.

The list of Exchange Online mailbox management tasks include:

  • Set Litigation Hold
  • Configure Mailbox Retention Policy
  • Modify Address Book Policy
  • Hide From Address List
  • Unhide From Address List
  • Mailbox Message Size Restriction
  • Mailbox Features Settings
  • Mailbox Audit Settings
  • Set Mailbox Storage Limit
  • Enable / Disable Mailbox Archive
  • Enable Exchange Mailbox
  • Disable Exchange Mailbox
  • Enable Mailbox Clutter
  • Disable Mailbox Clutter

Exchange Online mailbox security management

Managing mailbox security is extremely vital in light of tougher compliance standards and the need to protect confidential information. M365 Manager Plus lets you easily configure various security-related mailbox settings.

Mailbox audit settings: Enable or disable mailbox audit logging to track mailbox access by mailbox owners, delegates, and administrators. Specify which actions (create, delete, send as, etc.) need to be audited. Define custom audit log age limits and retain audit data for as long as needed, unlike the native option which only stores audit logs for 90 days.

Set mailbox permissions: Secure users' mailboxes by modifying other users' access permissions (full access, read only, etc.).

Activate Litigation Hold: Preserve all mailbox content, including deleted items and original versions of modified items, by putting mailboxes on Litigation Hold. Use M365 Manager Plus to define Litigation Hold owners and place mailboxes on Litigation Hold indefinitely.

Edit mailbox delegation settings: Add or remove the delegation permissions a user has over other mailboxes and modify the permission type as needed.

The list of Exchange Online mailbox management tasks include:

  • Mailbox Permission Changes
  • Disable Outlook Auto-mapping
  • Modify SMTP Address using CSV
  • Modify SMTP Address
  • Mailbox Autoreply Configuration
  • Set Mail Forwarding(Many to One)
  • Set Mail Forwarding(One to One)
  • Mailbox Conversion
  • Mailbox Delegation
  • MailTip Settings
  • Modify Mailbox Custom Attributes
  • Mailbox Naming Attribute Changes
  • Set Exchange Roles
  • Trust / Block Senders and Recipients

Exchange Online public folder management

Public folders are designed to allow users to collaborate and share information with others in the organization. With M365 Manager Plus, you can:

Enable or disable email for public folders: Enabling email for a public folder allows users to send emails to that public folder. M365 Manager Plus allows you to mail-enable or mail-disable Exchange Online public folders in bulk.

Delete public folders: Delete public folders in your Exchange Online environment in bulk.

The list of public folder management tasks include:

  • Mail Enable Public Folder
  • Mail Disable Public Folder
  • Delete Public Folder

Exchange Online shared mailbox management

Multiple users can use a shared mailbox to send and receive email messages and access a common calendar. M365 Manager Plus simplifies shared mailbox management by providing various administrative actions that can be applied to multiple shared mailboxes at a time. All the management options that are available for user mailbox management are also available for shared mailbox management.

The list of shared mailbox management tasks include:

  • Shared Mailbox Creation
  • Shared Mailbox Permission Changes
  • Shared Mailbox Autoreply Configuration
  • Shared Mailbox Forward To
  • Shared Mailbox Conversion
  • Shared Mailbox delegation
  • MailTip Settings
  • Set Litigation Hold
  • Configure Shared Mailbox Retention Policy
  • Modify Address Book Policy
  • Hide From Address List
  • Unhide From Address List
  • Shared Mailbox Size Restriction
  • Shared Mailbox Features Settings
  • Shared Mailbox Audit Settings
  • Enable Shared Mailbox
  • Disable Shared mailbox

Exchange Online contact management

M365 Manager Plus also lets you efficiently manage Exchange Online contact objects. Using M365 Manager Plus, you can:

Delete contacts in bulk: Deprovision contacts in bulk from your Exchange Online environment.

Modify contact attributes: Bulk edit general attributes, contact information, and contacts' organization-related attributes in your Exchange Online environment.

Exchange Online mobile device management

Exchange Online mailboxes can be accessed from anywhere using Outlook mobile app. WIth the management capability of M365 Manager Plus, administrators can remove user mobile devices associated with Exchnage Online mailboxes or wipe mailbox data from them remotely.

The list of mobile device management tasks include:

  • Clear Mobile Device Data
  • Remove Mobile Device

Managing mailboxes has never been easier! Handle Exchange Online mailboxes in bulk with M365 Manager Plus.

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